Category freqtrade

Why volume matters

The usual mistake new users make is using a big volume pairlist. “More pairs = more trades = more profits” they said. Sure, you might get more trades. But more trades won’t guarantee more profit. I would advice against trading…

One-for-all strategy

Just because a strategy works good on a specific exchange, specific market (spot or futures), specific stake currency and specific config (especially pairlist), doesn’t mean it will automatically perform similarly on another exchange and/or another market with the same pairs.…

Set up kucoin proxy

For now, the guide will only have steps for Docker usage. The proxy used in this guide is the proxy made by mikekonan. First, add this to your docker-compose.yml (use different tags for different platforms e.g. – latest-amd64, latest-arm-v6, latest-arm-v7,…

Set up binance proxy

I’m using Binance Proxy by nightshift2k. The steps are slightly different for docker and non-docker uses. I’ll give the steps for both Docker Add this to your docker-compose.yml Then use this setting in your config for spot market For futures…

Signal and Trade Candle

Users tend to get confused over these two candles. What is signal candle? What is trade candle? Signal candle is the candle that have the enter/exit signal. This candle is used to determine whether a trade should be opened This…