Simple Pandas Snippets

General things

  • You can do some mathematics functions on boolean column. True equals to one (1), False equal to zero (0)

How many times a condition is True in the last x candles

(<condition to be checked>).rolling(x).sum()

If the sum is zero (0), that means the condition is always False in the last x candles. If the sum equals to x, that means the condition is always True in the last x candles. If the sum is between zero and x. that means the condition is only true for that amount in the last x candles. This method won’t be able to tell you

  • How many consecutive True/False in the last x candles
  • The index of candles with True/False

Whether the condition is always True in the last x candles

(<condition to be checked>).rolling(x).min() > 0

Whether the condition is always False in the last x candles

(<condition to be checked>).rolling(x).max() < 1

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