Category freqtrade

Simple Additional Entries Code

Important Disclaimer!!! Currently I don’t use additional entries. In my opinion, more often than not, the additional entries do more harm than good. You are just digging your losses deeper. But you may be able to use it better than…

Trailing Custom Exit

By default, Freqtrade already have custom_exit and custom_stoploss functions. Despite the name, actually they are both quite similar and can be used interchangeable, as long as you are aware of the differences between them. Two main differences between them that…

Simple Pandas Snippets

General things How many times a condition is True in the last x candles If the sum is zero (0), that means the condition is always False in the last x candles. If the sum equals to x, that means…

Detail of dry-runs

The dry-runs can be seen here. The strategies might be changed without further notice, so do check the page regularly to see whether there is any addition or removal of strategies. Below are details of public strategies that I wish…

How important is dry-run?

I have to start by stating the usual disclaimer, that all things written in this post is my personal opinion. I’m not saying they are the only truth and other opinions are wrong. I’ll try to explain the reasons, but…

Futures – Leverage and Liquidation

One wrong idea that new users have is that they assume that as leverage increase, the liquidation percentage move linearly, which is not the case. This next table is what they assume the behavior would be Leverage Liquidation % before…